Create an alliance to “discover”, “support” and “co-create” people and organizations with the will and skills to challenge the status quo.
ビジョン(目指す社会)を実現するためのアクションであるJCAのミッションは、事業ドメインと運営プログラム、そしてJCAのVI(Visial Identity)とも密接にリンクしています。
Our business domain is connected to our mission, and also our visual identity is connected to both.This figure shows their connections.We take action through these 3 programs to achieve our goals with our mission.
気候危機に脅かされない社会 A society not threatened by the climate crisis.
Theory Of Change:目標達成への仮説
Theory Of Change
Rapid Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Rapid Restoration of Biodiversity.
しかし「Status Quo」の壁(強力な現状維持バイアスの存在)がこの実現を妨げています。
私たちのTheory of Changeの実現「Status Quo」の壁を乗り越えるためには、気候危機を解決したいという強い意志とスキルを持つ人と組織、さらにはそれらの人と組織の創造的なコラボレーション(共創)が不可欠だと考えます。
However, the “Status Quo” wall (the existence of a strong status quo bias) is preventing this realization.
To overcome this “Status Quo” wall, we believe that people and organizations with strong will and skills to solve the climate crisis, as well as creative collaboration (co-creation) between these people and organizations, are essential.
We support people and organizations that are taking action to solve the climate crisis. 私たちは気候危機を解決するために行動する人や団体を支援します
Please see "Kentaro Nunokawa" on the "Callisto" page.He is a JCA Junior Fellow.